Fiona Moore Speech Pathologist Logo

About Me

I am a Certified Practising Speech Pathologist (B.App.Sc. Sp. Path) and member of Speech Pathology Association Australia, with 34 years of experience providing personalised support to adults suffering from communication difficulties.

My expertise is working with individuals with developmental disabilities, autism, cognitive impairments, acquired neurological conditions, such as stroke and progressive neurological diseases. I also have experience working with clients and caregivers to program and implement Alternative and Augmentative Communication (AAC) devices.

I am passionate about providing adults aged 18+ comprehensive assessment, therapy and consultation services for speech sound disorders, language impairments and swallowing disorders.

I service client locations within the Geelong Area, Bellarine Peninsula, Lara, Little River & Colac.

I cater for NDIS, TAC and Medicare funded service recipients. Let’s get talking!

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  • "Fiona is conscientious, hardworking and honest in all aspects of her work and she applied herself with competence and diligence in every task she undertook."

    Carol, Community Nurse

  • "Thank you for all that you have done Fiona! I appreciate the initiative and professionalism you take. We were lucky to have you and the expertise you brought that suited (the client's) needs so well."

    George, Support Coordinator

  • "Thank you so much for everything you have done for mum. You have made a massive impact on her quality of life with your fantastic ideas."

    Jo, Client’s Daughter